New to New Life?
If you’re new to New Life Church, or have been visiting for a little while, stop by Connect Central in our main lobby after service where you’ll find pastors and leaders waiting to greet you and hear your story. At Connect Central, you can meet some of our ministry leaders, Pastor Andrew, and find out about the many ways to connect at New Life Church.

What To Expect
New Life Worship is a team of musicians and songwriters whose single goal is to help people encounter Jesus. At every service you will see that New Life is a strong local church with deep roots in worship. Some songs born out of our times of worship include “I Am Free”, “Overcome”, “Great I Am”, “Amazed”, “My Savior Lives”, “Strong God”, and “Your Name”. These worship anthems have traveled far beyond our local community and are now sung around the globe.
At the heart of our corporate worship is the Lord’s Table, where we receive communion nearly every service. Each week the message from Pastor Brady and the New Life pastors lead us toward the Table and guide us to experience Jesus there together. For us the Lord’s Table is the high point of the service as we remember what Christ has done for us, as we look for the Great Feast one day, and as we receive His grace abounding to us in fresh ways.
God has designed us to be His family; living in relationship with Him and each other. All who come to New Life should have the opportunity to form Christ-centered relationships without having to search far and wide for them. This happens on Sundays in our Section Communities and throughout the week in our Groups where we gather for meals together and study Scripture.
Search our Small Groups page to find out how to get connected into a small group.
During our weekend services you will see New Life Kids worshiping, praying, building friendships, and having fun. This is a snapshot of the ministry that happens in the children’s classrooms around New Life. Our mission is to partner with the Holy Spirit and families to help children discover, experience, and follow Jesus. Learn more about New Life Kids.
How to Get Here
Service Times
Sunday 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.