During our weekend services you will see New Life Kids worshiping, praying, building friendships, and having fun. This is a snapshot of the ministry that happens in the children’s classrooms around New Life. Our mission is to partner with the Holy Spirit and families to help children discover, experience, and follow Jesus.

New Life Kids (NLK)
The Nursery at New Life East exists to inspire, equip, and support you as you begin your role as the primary spiritual nurturer of your child. We are committed to providing a safe environment for your child to experience God’s love and care through our staff and volunteers. Our heart is to disciple your nursery child to discover the joy of who God is. Through his or her senses, we invite your child to experience God’s presence through His Word, through age-appropriate storytelling, worship, prayer, blessing, and intentional developmental activities.
PRE-K/K (4-5 yrs old)
Pre-K/K exists at New Life East to empower you as you spiritually nurture your child throughout this next stage of growth and development. During your child’s time in the Pre-K/K classroom, he or she will journey through the Big God Story with creative storytelling and age-appropriate worship. We seek to disciple your child by inspiring him or her, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to discover and experience God by practicing hearing His voice and responding in worship to who He is.
Every week, elementary students from 1st- 5th grade, are welcomed into a fun, safe and spiritually engaging environment. Children are also invited to discover and experience God and His redemptive story through interactive worship, teaching and discussion groups with their peers. Multiple opportunities throughout the year allow for students to have greater opportunities for growth and discipleship through serving with families, Kids Camp, Student Leadership, Family Nights, and Mission Trip opportunities.
New Life East desires to provide a safe and loving environment for children of all ages and developmental spectrums. We seek to create an atmosphere that encourages regulation, connection, conversation and understanding. We are currently working on building a team of volunteers who would enjoy working with ALL children regardless of their unique abilities and challenges. Because of this, we currently work with families individually as they arrive and share their needs. If you or someone you know would like more information about this ministry at New Life East, please email nleast@newlifechurch.org.
Specialized Needs
Check-in for our weekly services begin at 8:40am and 10:40am for Sunday morning services at New Life East.